Installation procedure * First, apply the corresponding kernel fix and medusa patch, depending on the Linux kernel version you use. The simplest method is: cd {kernel directory} patch -p1 < {Medusa directory}/medusa_kernel_fix-xxx.diff patch -p1 < {Medusa directory}/medusa-xxx.diff Then configure the new kernel with Medusa enabled (you have to enable development code to get Medusa options) and compile it. To compile Constable, follow these steps: * Configure the Constable: cd {Constable directory} ./configure {configure options} Note that kernel and Constable configure options have to match, otherwise the whole thing won't work !!! * Build the binaries: make and make install which installs Constable, sample configuration files and creates character device /dev/medusa and /dev/medstat. * Edit the Constable configuration file carefully. * Reboot the machine with the new kernel and optionally (if You are not using the option to start Constable at boot time) run Constable with the path to configuration file as a first optional parameter and the name of the Medusa character device as a second optional parameter. For example: /sbin/constable /etc/default.medusa /dev/medusa (These are also the defaults). Hopefully, you are now running a much more secure machine. To uninstall everything simply type: make uninstall When you get a new version, always read the ChangeLog file. It will save you unnecessary surprises. And remember, Medusa doesn't solve anything by itself, it only gives you the opportunity to solve very much if you use it wisely. Have fun!